Frequently Asked Questions

The following Q & A is designed to provide general information about the program. Answers may vary depending on specific circumstances.

General Information
1. What type of individual is the program seeking to find?

The President’s Commission on White House Fellowships is looking for individuals who are most likely to fulfill the mission of the White House Fellows Program. Selection as a White House Fellow is based on a combination of the following criteria:

All these qualities combined with the strength of one’s character are taken into consideration when selecting a class of White House Fellows.

2. What is the experience of a White House Fellow during the program year?

Being a White House Fellow is an honor, a privilege, and a full-time commitment. Fellows are expected to fully engage in their work placement, which lies at the heart of a White House Fellowship. Work placements can offer unparalleled experience working with Cabinet and White House officials on challenging issues. The work often requires long hours and, at times, may also require travel on behalf of the agency.

The Education Program augments and enhances the work experience. Over the course of the year, Fellows are expected to fully participate in the Education Program, which includes semi-weekly speaker seminars and, when possible, domestic policy trips, an international policy trip, and day trips to study various policy issues.

In addition to their work placement and Education Program, the Fellows also participate in community service projects during their year in Washington, D.C.

Application and Eligibility
3. How do I apply?

Applicants should apply online by visiting the Apply section of the White House Fellows website. Online applications for the 2021-2022 Fellowship will be accepted through this site from November 2, 2020 – January 6, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. EST.

4. What is the selection process like? Do you have a Calendar?

A description of the Selection Process along with a calendar is available here.

5. What are the eligibility requirements?

Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Applicants must have completed their undergraduate education and be working in their chosen professions. Individuals currently employed by the Federal government are not eligible to apply with the exception of career military personnel.

If you have a question about your status as a Federal employee, please call the White House Fellows Program office at (202) 395-4522.

6. I have previously worked for the Federal government, am I eligible to apply?
7. What types of people are selected as Fellows?

Selection as a White House Fellow is based on a combination of the following criteria:

8. Can I be a White House Fellow if I have dual citizenship?

In order to get the proper security clearance for the Fellowship, it is likely that individuals with dual citizenship would need to give up any non-U.S. citizenship(s).

9. Are there age restrictions?

There are no age restrictions. However, the Fellowship program was created to give selected Americans the experience of government service early in their careers.

10. Does a candidate need to be of the same political party as the current Administration?

No. The Commission awards fellowships on a strictly non-partisan basis.

11. If selected, can I continue to participate in organizations in which I currently serve — such as corporate and government boards, or on state or local councils?

White House Fellows are full-time employees of the United States government and are subject to the ethics laws and Standards of Ethical Conduct for employees of the Executive Branch. These standards prohibit Fellows from receiving any salary or any contribution to or supplementation of salary from any source other than the United States government. If outside activity that is uncompensated conflicts with your official duties, then you will not be able to continue that outside activity.

12. Are applicants required to submit financial disclosures if selected? What happens if there is a conflict of interest with my investments and my assignment?

Certain placements, such as in the White House, will require that a Financial disclosure form be submitted.

Conflict of interest matters that arise will be handled on a case-by-case basis according to all applicable laws and regulations. If you have questions during the application process about potential conflicts of interest, please contact the White House Fellows Program office to inquire.

13. Are applicants required to undergo a security and background investigation?

Yes. Regional Finalists are required to submit comprehensive background information, as Fellows must be qualified to pass a top secret security clearance. Once this information is submitted, background investigations will commence.

Please be assured that all of this information is carefully protected and kept confidential. Panelists and Commissioners do not have access to background investigation information. Information provided by candidates who ultimately are not selected will be destroyed.

14. How is a class of Fellows selected?

The selection process is very competitive. The White House Fellows Program office processes the applications and former Fellows screen the applications to identify the most promising candidates. The most qualified applicants are selected to be interviewed by eight to ten regional panels, which are comprised of prominent local citizens. Based on the results of the interviews, approximately thirty candidates proceed as National Finalists. The President’s Commission on White House Fellowships then interviews the thirty candidates and recommends 11-19 outstanding candidates to the President for a one-year appointment as Fellows. Those who are appointed as White House Fellows must return to Washington, DC to participate in Placement Week. To learn more in-depth information about the selection process, please visit the Selection Process and Calendar page.

15. What is the best approach to prepare for interviews?

The interviews are competitive. We recommend that Regional and National Finalists carefully prepare as they would for any other type of interview. We also recommend that Finalists:

16. What is Placement Week and how is placement determined?

The individuals who are appointed by the President to serve as White House Fellows will be required to come to Washington, DC in July to participate in a series of briefings and interviews to determine their fellowship work placements. The Commission pays for travel and lodging during Placement Week.

17. Are Fellows provided with compensation and benefits — such as salary and health insurance — during the program year?

Fellows are considered Federal employees, and receive a competitive salary during their one year fellowship. Military personnel, however, maintain their current salary and benefits.

Fellows are also eligible to purchase health insurance through the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plans available at their agencies. Details about the health plans available can be viewed on the Office of Personnel Management website at

18. Does the fellowship provide housing during the Fellowship year?

No. Fellows are responsible for their housing arrangements. Applicants should be aware that Fellows cannot accept subsidized housing gifts from former employers or other sources.

19. Can Fellows receive outside income from other sources — private or public — during the program year?

White House Fellows are considered full-time employees of the United States government and are subject to the ethics laws and Standards of Ethical Conduct for employees of the Executive Branch. These standards prohibit Fellows from receiving salary, contributions, or supplementation of salary from any source other than the United States government.

Fellows cannot continue any outside activity that conflicts with official duties. Service on advisory boards and other types of committees are evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if a Fellow can continue the activity based on the precise nature of the activity and the official duties while serving as an employee of the United States government in the program.

20. How are special needs — such as disabilities — for Fellows handled?

The program staff is available to work one-on-one with individuals to properly handle any special needs.

21. How are previously scheduled commitments — such as a vacation — handled during the program year?

The program year is a full-time commitment, with work, education, travel, and fellowship responsibilities. Almost all activities are mandatory. Only under special circumstances, and with approval by the Program Director, are Fellows excused from activities.

If this is a year when you have a multitude of personal commitments, vacations, or issues, we strongly encourage applicants to reconsider the timing of their application. Each Fellow and the entire class are most effective with full participation and engagement. It is unfair to others to accept the fellowship and then not fully participate.

22. Where can I direct additional questions?

The program staff is available to provide assistance and answer questions. The staff can be reached at (202) 395-4522. They may also be reached by email at