Public Health Inspectors Guide

The Public Health Inspector's (PHI) Guide to Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Testing is designed to support effective public health practice, ensuring that inspectors have timely information on PHO’s laboratory environmental microbiology services and expertise.

The Public Health Inspector’s Guide supports local boards of health and public health inspectors in meeting their obligations outlined in relevant Ontario legislation, standards and protocols.

The document outlines:

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Environmental Swabs

Environmental swab testing is performed to support foodborne illness outbreaks and investigations. This section provides information for PHIs when submitting environmental swabs for testing.

Food Sample Analysis

Food sample testing is performed to support foodborne illness outbreaks and investigations, microbial risk assessment (HACCP or routine surveillance) or a complaint investigation. This section provides information for PHIs when submitting food samples for testing.

Legionella Investigations

Legionella spp. testing is performed to support investigations related to confirmed clinical cases of legionellosis. This section provides information for PHIs when submitting Legionella samples for testing.

Water Sample Analysis

Water sample testing is performed for the detection of bacterial indicators of contamination, including drinking water and non-potable sources and also for investigations linked to clinical illness. This section provides information for PHIs when submitting water samples for testing.