Applications & Permit Information
To apply for a permit, please visit the Department of Community Development, located on the second floor of City Hall at 3805 S. Casper Drive, New Berlin, WI 53151. For other permits and applications, see the Building Inspection and Engineering Departments. Please contact City Staff to check if a permit is required for a specific project or type of work.
Administrative Application
- Re-occupancy - Required when a business moves into an existing tenant space and the general use does not change.
- Home Occupation - Home based business.
- Temporary Use - Temporary changes in use including outdoor sales and festivals (PDF).
- Sign - If the request does not meet the conditions in the sign code, Plan Commission approval is required.
- Use Approval - Alterations and additions to commercial, industrial or multi-family buildings less than 20,000 sq. ft. Modifications to the use or site.
Construction Management Developer Deposit Form
Developer Deposit Development Review Form
- Developer Deposit Development Review/Construction Management Developer's Deposit Policy - This form and associated fees are required for all projects in the City of New Berlin, with the exception of Signs, Re-occupancies and Home Occupations.
Development Application
- Use Approval - New commercial, industrial or multi-family buildings. Alterations and additions to commercial, industrial or multi-family buildings 20,000 sq. ft. or greater. Plan Commission approval required.
- Sewer & Water Service Area Amendments
- Conditional Use - Requires a Public Hearing and Plan Commission approval.
- Conditional Use - New Mobile Service Support Tower / Class 1 Collocation
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Requires a Public Hearing and Plan Commission and Common Council Approval.
- Rezoning - A proposed change from one zoning district to another. Requires a Public Hearing and Plan Commission and Common Council approval.
- Rezoning PUD - PUD follows the same process as a rezoning. A PUD modifies the underlying zoning district. Requires a Public Hearing and Plan Commission and Common Council approval.
- Concept Review
Subdivision / Land Division / Developer's Agreement Application
- Certified Survey Map (CSM) - The creation of 4 or fewer parcels. Requires Plan Commission and Common Council approval.
- Subdivision - The creation of 5 or more parcels. The process includes a preliminary plat, developer's agreement and a final plat. Requires approval from various boards and commissions.
- Conceptual CSM Review
- Developer's Agreement
- Voluntary Sketch Plan
Wetland Registration Application
- Wetland Registration - All areas zoned C-2 (Shoreland Wetland Holding District) and areas identified as wetland on the DNR/SEWRPC Wetland Inventory Maps are subject to the wetland registration process.
Wetland Field Verification Request
- Wetland Registration - All areas zoned C-2 (Shoreland Wetland Holding District) and areas identified as wetland on the DNR/SEWRPC Wetland Inventory Maps are subject to the wetland registration process.