APGLI Fresh, Premium Enhancement Proposal, Loan, Final Payment Applications with Covering Letters
APGLI Fresh, Premium Enhancement Proposal, Loan, Final Payment Applications with Covering Letters Download pdf APGLI Covering Letter / APGLI Common Proposal Form for Fresh and Enhancement of Premium / Availed, Non Availed Medical Leave Certificate / APGLI - Calculation / Loan Application / Nominee Form 3 / Refund Form 12 (other than death claim) / Affidavit (Insurance) Final Payment / APGLI Missing Credits Proforma
APGLI related all forms download:
Issue of Policies
- After deduction of first Premium, the employee has to fill up and submit a proposal form duly signed and attested by his/her DDO/Head of office for obtaining APGLI policy. The proposal form to be filled with details of Name of the employee, Designation,Name of the Office, Empoyee ID No, Adhar No, Mobile No, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Nominee details and policy number (in case of enhanced policy), basic pay, amount of premium increased, and month & year in which it is increased (G.O.Ms.No.124, Fin.(Admn.II) Dept., Dt.24.05.13)
- Only premium payment without submission of proposal form will not give any risk coverage or monetary benefit to the subscriber and such payments will be treated as unauthorized amounts which will be refunded on application, without any interest or bonus.
- The APGLI policies do not lapse.(This means once policy is taken the policy holder has to continue premium until maturity and there is no provision to discontinue). APGLI Premium is exempted from income tax under Section 80C. In case of maturity of the policy, the total Sum Assured and Bonus till Date of Maturity are paid to the policy holder. If the Policy Holder ceases to be Government servant, and decides to surrender the policy by discontinuing the payment of Premium, the subscriber will be paid the Surrender Value and the eligible Bonus. In case of Death of policy holder before maturity of the policy, the full Sum Assured along with Bonus till date of death are paid to the legal heirs
- Download Covering Letter for APGLI Proposals
- Download Proposal form Fresh / Enhancement
- Download Good Heath Certificate
- Non-Availment of Medical Leave Certificate
For clearance of missing credits, the subscriber has to submit the places of posting with deduction particulars such as Month, Amount of Premium/Loan Instalment, Token Number/Voucher Number, Total Amount of APGLI schedule attested by the DDO.
In case of challan remittance, the subscriber has to submit the places of posting with the deduction particulars such as month, amount of Premium / Loan Instalment, Challan number. Challan amount and date attested by DDO, along with full details of Policy numbers and names of the employees for whom the challan is paid.
- The Drawing Officers have to verify the correctness of the APGLI policy numbers in the schedules with reference to the policy bonds issued by the Department. If wrong Policy numbers are quoted in the schedules, the premium cannot be posted to the individual accounts and missing credits will arise.
- The correct policy numbers once recorded in the schedules should not be changed every month.
- The employees also have to verify the correctness of their policy numbers mentioned in the monthly schedule at least once in a year.
- The policy number may be recorded in the first page of SR (Service Register) of the employee as a permanent record.
- The Drawing Officers may depute the concerned establishment staff to the respective District Insurance Office for updation of premiums in case of missing credits.
- APGLI Missing Credits Proforma Click Here
- Missing Credits Covering letter of the DDO Click here
- Missing Credits Proforma Model 2 Click here
- APGLI Primary and other details change Proforma click here
APGLI Loans (will be sanctioned by the District Insurance Officer):
All the Policy Holders are hereby requested to submit the following information while submitting applications for sanction of Loan / Settlement of Claim cases for making payment online & sending SMS.
1) Employee I.D Number.
2) Mobile Number.
3) Xerox copy of First page of Salary Bank Account Pass Book to be enclosed to the application
Otherwise such applications will be objected without processing in future.
- Loan may be sanctioned up to 90% of the surrender value and shall be recovered in 12 EMI minimum and maximum 48. In case of house loans the max. EMI is allowed to 60.
- A Simple interest will be charged on the loans advanced at the rate of 1% over and above GPF interest rate After Principal only, interest will be recovered in one or more installments not exceeding (10) monthly installments as per the Deduction Orders (Govt. Circular Memo No.707/119/A2/ Admn.II/ 2013)
- Calculate the accruable amount of interest due, at the time of sanction of loan itself and total amount arrived thereon (Principal Loan + Interest) should be deducted in EMI from the subscriber. (G.O.Ms.No. 74 Finance (Admn.II) Dept., dt: 18.6.2015.
- No loan shall be granted for a sum less than Rs.1000/- vide G.O.Ms.No.160 Fin & Plg (FW Admn-II) Dept dated 15.05.1996.
Required Documents are:-
1. DDO Covering Letter
2. Loan form duly filled and attested by DDO (with details of Name of the employee, Designation, Name of the Office, Empoyee ID No, Adhar No, Mobile No, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, policy number. )
3. First page of Bank pass book Xerox copy
APGLI Settlement of Claims - Retirement & Death: (will be settled by the District Insurance Offices.
In the case of retirement:-
Required Documents are:-
- DDO Covering Letter
- Refund form No-1 (with details of Name of the employee, Designation, Name of the Office, Employee ID No, Aadhar No, Mobile No, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, policy number, )
- Advanced stamped receipt
- Original policy
- Copy of retirement order duly attested by the gazette officer.
- First page of Bank pass book Xerox copy
- Aadhar Card Xerox copy,
In the case of death:-
Required Documents are:-
- DDO Covering Letter
- Departmental Information Form
- Refund form no.2, duly filled in and attested by the H.O.O. (with details of Name of the employee, Nominee details , Designation, Name of the Office, Empoyee ID No, Adhar No, Mobile No, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, policy number, )
- Advanced stamped Receipt
- Original policy
- Legal heir certificate issued by the M.R.O. concerned.
- First page of Bank pass book Xerox copy of nominee
- Aadhar Card Xerox copy of nominee
- Death Certificate of the deceased policy holder
- If the beneficiary is a minor the insurance amount shall be made to the guardian as declared by the civil court