Canada Bread workers ratify deal ending month-long lockout

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Warehouse workers from Laval came to Cornwall on Tuesday to protest a back-up distribution centre set up by their employer, Canada Bread, <a href=while it locked them out of their jobs on Tuesday April 25, 2017 in Cornwall, Ont." width="" height="" />

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Unionized workers at a Canada Bread Company distribution centre in Laval have voted to ratify a new collective agreement, ending a lockout that began on April 1.

The 120 employees of the Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de distribution Multi-Marques will go back to work gradually, with normal operations resuming within 14 days, the company announced Friday.

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The bread maker, with brands including POM, Bon Matin and Vachon, reached an agreement with the union’s bargaining team on Thursday, and the new contract was approved with “an overwhelming majority,” the company said.

The union, affiliated with CSN, said it got concessions for temporary workers, the creation of regular jobs and improvements to group insurance and pension plans. The deal, which lasts five years, will see increases of 1.5 to 2 per cent each year for a total of nine per cent. The first year’s 1.5 per cent increase is retroactive to Sept. 23, 2016, when the previous contract ended.

On Monday, the company admitted part of its distribution was handled by scab workers, which is against the Quebec labour code. A report from a government investigator April 18 found 11 people did work normally done by unionized workers. The company said 10 of those were scab workers.